Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Brrrbon Slush

“On a day like this, all I wanna do is sit around in a dirty slip drinkin’ hot gin out of the bottle.” These words inspired a party one summer that never happened. We were all going to sit on the front porch of my tiny little cottage one sweltering summer afternoon wearing ladies underwear, drinking cocktails with box fans a-blowin’. It was a fun party in theory, but unfortunately some of the guys couldn’t make it, and some didn’t want to dress up. We cancelled the costume part but forgot to tell Wes and Gary. So down Wilshire Place they tromped in all their Victoria Secret Glory with Tanqueray in hand. 

I love summer drinks. Here’s a favorite from my old beau Christopher’s Grandma Burton...

Louise Burton’s Bourbon Slush

2 black tea bags
1 cup boiling water
1 cup sugar
3 1/2 cups cold water
6 oz can frozen orange juice
6 oz can frozen pineapple juice
6 oz can frozen lemonade
1 1/2 cups bourbon

Steep teabags in boiling water. Stir in sugar until dissolved. Stir in remaining ingredients. Freeze. Remove 10 minutes before serving. Shave scrapings into glasses with a metal spoon or ice cream scoop

Serves 12.

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