Thursday, November 6, 2014

Pet Project

Mark had a guinea pig named Homer. He was black and white and tan. I guess you could call him calico if he had been a cat. Homer was really not much of a pet. He pretty much sat and sniffed grumpily all day like a russet-sized Wilford Brimley. 

Mark would let him out of his cage once in a while but he would just scurry behind the couch in order to avoid our two terriers. A lot of fun, that Homer.

One summer, our house was a sweltering hot box due to our lack of a swamp cooler or central air. Our family was heading to Lagoon for Fireman’s Day. Mark decided to put Homer and his cage outside to escape the heat while we were away.

Mark learned two lessons that day:

1. Shade moves.
2. A baked guinea pig doesn’t.


  1. OMG!!!! A sad story that I think we have all "been there, done that"!

  2. Sad. My mother baked our goldfish by putting their bowl in the picture window, because she thought the sun shining through the water was pretty. The fish boiled.

  3. Why do I feel sad, yet am smiling at the same time? Great story telling Scott!
